Adding some exercise into your workday has been shown to help you think more clearly, focus better, and do your job well. By learning how to add a few body toning exercises to your work time, you will get ahead both in your career and in your fitness goals.
For most of us, a cubicle or an office is plenty of room. Convenience is the key to this particular workout.
To begin, get warmed up a little, especially if you’ve been sitting for a long period of time. Roll your neck around a little and then move your arms in circles. This will help get the blood moving and ready for a few simple strength training movements.
Here is a simple routine to start you off:
Upper body push aways – Place your hands on your desk when you’re sitting close to your desk and then push your body away. Admittedly, this works much better if you have a rolling chair. If you have a stationary chair, you can lean into your desk and away from it when you’re pushing.
Sitting crunches – Move your chair away from your desk and stretch your legs out from under your chair away from your body. Try to bring your knees into your stomach and then back down without touching the ground. If you have wheels on your chair, be sure you’re holding onto something so you don’t roll away.
Stand ups – Moving your chair even farther from your desk, try getting up from your chair, but only slightly. You want to raise yourself up just a few inches and then move back down if you have. Support your hands on the edges of your chair to make this easier.
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